Monday, November 16, 2009

Assignment 2: Paper Review

No Evidence for a Pathogenic Role of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia in Germany
Rainer Guthoff, Alexander Marx, Phillipp Stroebel

The paper that I have chosen is about Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia (OSSN). This is a rare condition that consists of both non-invasive and invasive squamous tumors of the conjunctiva and the cornea. 

OSSN is the third more common ocular malignancy in our world today.
The origin and causation of OSSN is unclear, but it is known that UV exposure is a risk factor for cellular damage.
There is a greater occurrence of this disease near the equator.
It has been found that co-infection with immunodeficiency diseases -HIV- increases the risk for OSSN by a 10 fold.
The high risk HPV-E6 protein can cause degradation of p53, which is a tumor suppressive protein, and acts as a major cell cycle checkpoint.
Degradation of this protein will restrain the oncosuppressive function of p53.
When DNA damage occurs, p53 levels increase, which induces a rise in the expression of p21. The increased level of p21 will block the progression of cell cycle into the G1 phase.
If cell damage is beyond repair, p53 can then induce apoptotic cell death.
If p53 function is lost, p21 is not induced, and malignant tumors frequently occur.

In this study, they evaluated potential risk factors of OSSN, such as UV damage and HPV infection.

They included all lesions that were treated by the Department of Opthamology, at the University of Wuerzburg, from 1995-2002.
Samples were obtained from 26 males and 5 females, all were Caucasian, with a median age of 70. 
There was no history of HIV in any of the cases.
Histological slides of all specimens were re-evaluated by one of the authors, and graded. The grading of the neoplasia was based on severity of dysplasia at single cell level, and as well as overall architecture of the tissue.
5 conjunctival specimens with no conjunctival disease were used as controls.
Cells were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, as well as Elastica van Geisons.
They also used Multiplex Fluorescent PCR for HPV typing, and used immunohistochemistry for identification of certain cell types.

Solar elastosis, which is the degeneration of elastic tissue, due to UV damage, was not detected in the normal control samples, but was present in 68% of OSSN specimens.
HPV was not detected in any OSSN sample by either immunohistochemistry or multiplex PCR.
Expression of p53 was more frequent in OSSN specimens (81%) when compared to control specimens (60%).
p53 expression without upregulation of p21 was also observed in 19% of OSSN cases, and 0% of the controls.

After analyzing the results of this paper, it was found that HPV infection is not involved in the development of the vast majority of OSSN cases in Germany.
The origin and cause of OSSN may differ between industrial and developing countries, because HPV infection has been shown to be a strong risk factor for squamous cell carcinomas in equatorial countries such as Tanzania and Uganda.
This study proved that solar elastosis from chronic UV exposure was common in OSSN patients (68%). 
It was also found that the p53 gene was mutated in roughly 20% of OSSN cases, which also plays a large role in the development of tumors.
SO: Major factor for development of OSSN in the German population is UV EXPOSURE!!!

Important life lesson= Wear your sunglasses and protect your eyes from harmful UV rays! :)

This was a fairly well written paper, but I feel like they left out a lot of important information. Firstly, they mentioned terms  such as the "ubiquitin-protease pathway", and "caspase activation". They just mentioned these terms assuming that the reader would know what they are talking about. When they mentioned that they performed Multiplex PCR and Immunohistochemistry, they did not mention the procedure of these techniques, they just stated which compounds they used. They did not include a lot of histological representation of the tissues, and in the pictures that they did show, nothing was explained. They also treated the tissues with various antibodies, for the immunohistochemistry, and they just briefly listed the antibodies. They did not think that it was necessary to explain what they were for, and I just found it a little bit confusing when trying to look at the results. I feel like further studies need to be conducted on this topic to determine the real cause of OSSN, because it seemed like they just threw this experiment together, and came up with the conclusion that UV exposure is the main risk factor for this disease.
I found the topic of this paper to be very interesting, and I think that if more research is done on the subject, it could be very helpful to finding ways to prevent Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia.


Monday, October 26, 2009

My Favorite Tissue: The Eye

Vision is a very important aspect to our daily lives, and it is something that some of us might take for granted. The eye is a complex organ that is composed of many different structures and tissues. It is my hope to spread some knowledge on the basic structure of the eye, the function, and some interesting pathologies.
Basic Anatomy
All of the information supplied for the anatomy section can be found in Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology - 17th Ed. (2008)

The Conjunctiva
This structure is a thin, transparent, mucous membrane that covers the posterior portion of the eyelids, and the anterior portion of the sclera. It is composed of 2-5 layers of stratified columnar epithelium.
The Sclera
The sclera is the fibrous, outer, protective coating of the eye. It is almost entirely composed of collagen fibers, and is a dense, white tissue.
The Cornea
This is a transparent tissue that is inserted into the sclera at the limbus. It is usually 550 um
thick in the center, and has a horizontal diameter of 11.75mm, and a vertical diameter of 10.6mm.
The cornea is made up of the following 5 or 6 layers:
  1. Epithelium- 5 or 6 layers
  2. Bowman's layer- acellular
  3. The Stroma- intertwining lamellae of collagen fibrils
  4. Descemets membrane- basal lamina for endothelium
  5. Endothelium- 1 layer of cells.
The following 3 structures are part of the Uveal Tract.

The Iris
This structure is an anterior extension of the ciliary body. It is a flat surface, with a round aperture in the center (the pupil).
It is a colored annular membrane that is suspended behind the cornea, and is found immediately
in front of the lens. The pigment in the iris comes from anterior extensions of neuroretina, and
retinal pigment epithelium.
The iris is the visible colored structure on the eye, that surrounds the pupil. It functions to
control the amount of light that enters the eye. Pupil size is determined by a balance between parasympathetic constriction, and sympathetic dilation.
The Ciliary Body
The ciliary body is found between the iris and the choroid. It consists of ciliary processes, and the ciliary muscle.
The Choroid
This is the posterior segment of the Uveal Tract, and is found between the retina and the sclera. It is made up of 3 layers of choroidal blood vessels, Large, Medium and Small. It forms the vascular layer, and supplies nutrition to the eye structures.
The Lens
This is a biconvex, avascular, colorless, and almost 100% transparent tissue. It is approximately 4mm thick, and 9mm in diameter.
It is suspended behind the iris by a suspensory ligament called the zonule.
With age, sub-epithelial lamellar fibers are continually produced, which makes the lens grow
larger, and less elastic as life goes on.
The nucleus and cortex of the lens are made up of long, concentric lamellae.
The lens is 65% water, and 35% Protein (which is the highest protein content of any tissue in the
There are no pain fibers, blood vessels, or nerves located in the lens.
The Retina
The retina is a thin, semi-transparent, multi-layered sheet of neural tissue. It lines the inner aspect of 2/3 of the eyeball (also known as the globe).
Layers of the Retina
  1. Internal limiting membrane
  2. Nerve fiber layer (with ganglion cell axons passing to optic nerve)
  3. Ganglion cell layer
  4. Inner Plexiform Layer
  5. Inner nuclear layer of bipolar, amacrine, and horizontal cell bodies
  6. Outer plexiform layer
  7. Outer nuclear layer of photoreceptor cell nuclei
  8. External limiting membrane
  9. Photoreceptor layer of Rod and Cone inner and outer segments
  10. Retinal Pigment Epithelium
Extra Ocular Muscles

There are 6 extra ocular muscles that control the movement of the eye. There are 4 Rectus muscles that originate at a common ring tendon, and are named according the their insertion in the sclera; medial, lateral, inferior and superior. The movement made by these muscles respectively are : adduct, abduct, depress, and elevate the globe.
There are 2 oblique muscles that control the up and down movement
of the eye, the Superior Oblique muscle and the Inferior oblique muscle.
All of the extra ocular muscles are ensheathed by fascia.

The Optic Nerve
The optic nerve is composed of approximately 1 million ganglion cells from the retina. It emerges from the posterior surface of the globe, through the posterior scleral foramen, which is a short, circular opening in the sclera.
The image that is formed on the retina is transmitted to the brain via the Optic nerve, and the image is finally perceived by the brain.
The cornea and the lens of the eye will focus an inverted image onto the retina, which is the photoreceptor layer at the back of the eye. There are 2 types of photoreceptors : Rods and Cones.
Rods are more sensitive, and used for vision in dim light.
Cones are used in brighter light, for color vision, and for high acuity vision in animals with a fovea.
The Fovea is the central, high acuity region on the retina, where intervening cell layers and blood
vessels are pushed to the side. This area contains a lot of cones, and few rods.
(Hill et al 2008)
Embryology and Development
The eye is derived from 3 of the primitive embryonic layers, the surface ectoderm, the neural crest, the neural ectoderm and the mesoderm.
The surface ectoderm gives rise to the lens, the lacrimal gland, the epithelium of the cornea, conjunctiva, and epidermis of the eyelids.
The neural crest cells gives rise to the endothelium of the cornea, ciliary muscle, stroma of the iris, etc.
The neural ectoderm gives rise to the optic vesicle and optic cup, retina and retinal epithelium, sphincter muscles of the iris, the optic nerve fibers and ganglia.
Finally, the mesoderm contributes to extra ocular and lid muscles, and the orbital and ocular vascular epithelium.
Vaughan and Asbury (2008)

The Eyeball
At Birth, the eyeball is large in relation to the rest of the body. The ultimate size is reached at 7-8 years.
The Cornea
A newborn infant has a relatively large cornea, but reaches full size at 2 years.
The Lens
The lens is more spherical at birth, producing a greater refractive power, to help compensate for a short anteroposterior diameter of the eye. Lens grows throughout life, making it flatter.
The Iris
At birth, there is little to no pigment on the anterior surface of iris, so the posterior pigment layer shows through the translucent layer, giving most infant e
yes a bluish color. As pigment begins to appear in the anterior surface, the iris assumes its definitive color. If lots of pigment develops, the eye will be brown. If not a lot go pigment
develops, the eyes will be blue, green or hazel.
Vaughan and Asbury (2008)

As most of us know, the main function of the eye is to provide vision. We depend on our eyes to see colors, shapes, objects etc. A quick, easy, summary of how everything proceeds.
We look at an image. The light reflects off that image and goes in through our pupil. The light is focused onto the retina by the lens. This stimulates Rods and Cones in the eye, and the image will be passed to the brain via the Optic Nerve.

Common Terms/Concepts
Below are some important terms that are related with the eye.
Emmetropia: When there is an absence of refractive error (IE: you do not need glasses)
Ametropia: When there IS a refractive error (So you do need glasses)
Accommodation: When the eye changes refractive power to focus on objects that are close up.
Presbyopia: With aging, eyes will lose accommodation power. Symptoms such as not being able to read fine print will arise around age 42-46. This will happen to everyone. It can be fixed with simple reading glasses, or progressive lenses.
Myopia: This is also known as nearsightedness. It occurs when the image of a distant object is focused in front of the retina. This can be treated using a concave(minus) lens, which moves the image back to the retina.
A highly myopic prescription can lead to degenerative retinal changes, such as retinal detachment.
Hyperopia: AKA Farsightedness. When the image is focused behind the retina, and it is hard to see things close up.
Astigmatism: The eye produces an image with multiple focal points. This is when your eye is shaped more like a football, than a round globe. It can be correct
ed for with eyeglasses, or contact lenses.
Vaughan and Asbury (2008)
Vaughan and Asbury(2008)
There are many pathologies that are associated with the eye. I will concern myself with a few of them that are very common, and may affect us in some way.
This is defined as lacking visual perception due to physiological or neurological factors (Wikipedia 2009). OR
A loss of vision sufficient to prevent one from being self supporting in an occupation, and making one dependent on others. (Vaughan and Asbury, 2008).
Some causes of blindness are as follows:
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Leprosy
  • Herpes Simplex Keratitis
  • Retinal Detatchment
  • Inherited retinal degenerative disorders
WHO estimates that 80% of blindness in developing countries is avoidable.
According to WHO, there are ~ 50 million blind people in the world today, and 135 million who are suffering from significant visual disability.

A cataract is defined as the clouding of the eyes natural lens.( Lee and Bailey, 2009) The lens is made up of water and protein. Sometimes, the protein clumps together, forming a cloud in a small area of the lens. This cloud grows with time, covering more of the lens, and making it
harder to see.
  1. Subscapular Cataract: this type of cataract forms at the back of the lens, and is commonly found in people with diabetes, high farsightedness, or one who is taking a high dosage of steroids.
  2. Nuclear Cataract: Forms in the nucleus, the center of the lens. Forms due to natural aging causes.
  3. Cortical Cataract: forms in the lens cortex, and gradually extends inwards. Is commonly found in diabetics.
Signs of Cataract Development
Vision may be blurred, light from a lamp of the sun may seem to bright, or glaring, oncoming headlights may seem brighter than before, or you might not be able to see colors as clearly.
It is not entirely sure what causes cataracts, but studies have proven that the following are associated with cataract development:
  • UV exposure
  • Other types of radiation
  • High Salt consumption
  • Cigarette Smoke
  • Heavy Alcohol consumption
Treatment for cataracts is usually surgical. Strong glasses or bifocals can help with the vision loss due to cataracts, but most times vision can be restored by cataract surgery. The surgeon will move the clouded part of the lens to the side, or replace it all together with an intraocular lens (IOL).
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in our world today. It results from changes in the optic disc, and visual field defects (Agarwal et al, 2009). It is characterized by loss of retinal ganglion cells, and axons over many years. It is caused by increased pressure in the eye. There are a few types of glaucoma ;
Open Angle Glaucoma
This is the most common type. People with this disease are still able to see, read, drive etc, because vision loss isn't obvious until it is too late. Vision loss is permanent, therefore it is important to be checked regularly by an optometrist who can check the intraocular pressures of your eyes.
Closed Angle Glaucoma
This type is less common, and must be treated by laser surgery. It starts by having a slow, dull ache over one eye, change in vision, and seeing blurry halos around lights. If this happens, it is an emergency and should see a vision care provider immediately.
Treatment : Drops may be given to lower the IOP of the eye. For Open Angle Glaucoma, it is a life long disease and you may have to continuously use drops to keep it under control. For a Closed Angle Glaucoma attack, IOPs must be decreased before permanent vision loss occurs, therefore an Opthamologist may have to make a small slit in the iris with a laser, to release some pressure. (CNIB)

For more information regarding the pathologies above, as well as some more eye pathologies, please visit the CNIB website.

Agarwal R, Gupta SK, Agarwal P, Saxena R, Agrawal SS. Current concepts in the pathophysiology of glaucoma. Indian J Ophthalmol 2009;57:257-66
Hill, R.W, Wyse, G.A., Anderson, M. Animal Physiology. Second Edition. 2008
Lee, j., and Bailey, G. Cataracts. 2009. As hosted at
Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology - 17th Ed. (2008)
Note: All of the black and white pictures found in the anatomy section were from Vaughan and Asbury (2008)